Belgian Defence Minister Ludivine Dedonder and High representative Josep Borrell

Belgian Defence Minister Ludivine Dedonder and High representative Josep Borrell © Belgian presidency

Practical information

30 Jan


30 - 31 January 2024




The Egmont Palace


Brussels, Belgium

The informal meeting of European Defence Ministers enables leaders from different European countries to meet informally to discuss issues related to defence and security. These meetings are less structured and less formal than regular meetings. They are an opportunity to explore important issues, share views and promote defence cooperation.

These meetings allow Defence Ministers to make presentations on the key defence challenges facing their countries. Topics can range from joint military operations and capability development to threat analysis and cooperation on defence research and technology.

What sets these meetings apart is the informal atmosphere that allows for a more open exchange of ideas and information. This promotes direct communication between participating ministers and can lead to a deeper understanding of each other's views and concerns.

Moreover, informal meetings often provide space for bilateral discussions between ministers, allowing them to go into greater depth on specific cooperation initiatives, mutual security interests and regional defence issues.

The results of informal meetings are usually not binding, but the discussions and conclusions can serve as valuable input for further formal negotiations and policy-making within the EU Council in the field of defence and security.

In addition to substantive discussions, informal meetings also provide opportunities for building personal relationships among Defence Ministers. Informal dinners and social events can help strengthen long-term cooperation by promoting mutual understanding and trust.

Learn more about the agenda highlights of this informal meeting

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