Students in a class room

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Practical information

29 Feb


29 February - 1 March 2024


Brussels, Belgium

Mobility is often approached from the point of view of its beneficiaries, i.e. the students. Even so, it is also useful to explore the way in which it is translated and experienced by each member state, viewed as an entity that supports and sustains mobility. Despite the growing interconnections between higher education systems and the common goal to which they aspire, the realities of each country may still be different.

These fundamental differences include, for example, the size of their higher education systems, their accessibility, and the body of national regulations built up over time. Furthermore, attractiveness policies or enhancement measures (in terms of scholarships, languages, educational opportunities, geographical proximity, etc.) vary from one country to another. Similarly, there may be differences in the challenges they face (availability of student accommodation, quality of teaching, asymmetric mobility, etc.).

These discussions will provide an opportunity to identify points of convergence or common interests, and to pave the way for possible avenues for discussion or collaboration in the future.

Following this informal ministerial meeting, the Belgian presidency wishes to produce a document summarising the discussions on the issues raised during the exchanges.

Press moments


Press conference

Press release

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